Memories and Miracles
Release Date: September 25, 2017
Pages: 102
ISBN13: 978-1974267873
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Stories and Reflections on Russia from an American Missionary
When Dr. Webb first went to the former Soviet Union in 1989, she went as a peacemaker. Both countries were-and still are-locked in a confrontation that could end at any moment with nuclear annihilation. In 1991 she returned to begin a fourteen years leading training teams to combat the disease of alcoholism that Communism left in its demise. Her memoir tells the stories of how she developed lasting friendships and passed along her extensive knowledge of healing for addicts and their family members. Dr. Webb provides valuable insights into both the struggles of the Russian people and the problems still plaguing Russia.
"Amazing! I highly recommend Terry Webb to be part of your lecture series.., She is a wealth of knowledge and loves to share that with her audiences.”
-Jen Rynier
Our group flew into Helsinki, Finland in October. There we boarded a ship to Tallinn, Estonia. Besides our small tour group of Americans, Soviet and Estonian citizens with their multicolored striped cloth suitcases, loaded with newly purchased clothes, carrying TVs and other electronic devices, stood and sat around us.
When our ship docked, with my heart in my throat and my hands perspiring, I handed over my passport and visa to the waiting customs official in his booth. Miraculously, that day he didn’t examine our tour group’s suitcases, nor did he open the packages and bags of the other Soviet citizens and local Estonians. They made it through customs with all their foreign purchases as did we with our Bibles.
Anticipatory independence from the Soviet Union permeated our time in Estonia before we boarded our train to Moscow. In an upper room, a group of proud citizens shared their newly written constitution created during a Baltic Assembly on May 13–14, 1989. As we were to discover in our travels, many others were preparing for the time when Communism would not dominate their lives. Dick Rhodes share with us that Estonians wanted to create a dynamic order so that they might take their rightful place in the world family of nations.