Ghost Writing
Watch for a new middle school historical fiction novel, entitled, From the Heart of Lydia, that I have written with another author. The manuscript is now in the process of being edited by Sunbury Press, my new publisher. Although ghost writing is a way for authors to earn money, in this instance the two of…
Read MorePerilous Times in America
Near where I live, in a town called Ephrata, Pennsylvania is a building called the Gateway House of Prayer where volunteer soldiers in the Army of God have taken shifts for 15 years to pray for victory in the War between the forces led by God and those of Satan. Their goal is to reclaim…
Read MoreFollowing Jesus
How well do we American Christians follow Jesus’ life and teaching? That’s the 64$ question. When I was a theological student at an evangelical seminary, we had to underline or highlight in red in our Bibles everything Jesus said. I belong to a Christian movement that believes “the teachings and actions of Jesus, recorded in…
Read More2023 Meeting a Missionary Challenge
An untimely death almost thwarted our recent mission team’s plan. We had flown thousands of miles and boarded 3 different plane flights to reach Kampala, Uganda to attend a previously arranged special meeting with Edward, but when we arrived his email message greeted us: “My brother suddenly died at his desk in Ethiopia so I…
Read MoreRussians read my Tree of Renewed Life book
Katya Savina runs the Zebra Treatment Center in Moscow and is one of my Russian friends. She has just sent me an email: “I just — in 10 min — finished my presentation to group of Counsellor School where I spoke about AA genesis basing on your Tree of Renewed Life! And I feel deep…
Read MoreDespots and Fascist Patterns
Wars of aggression far too often occur when dangerous despots have absolute power in nations where Christian nationalism and Fascism coexist. Hitler’s Germany and Putin’s Russia have similar patterns. Those of us who were alive during World War II are horrified to observe these patterns being repeated. Seeing the swastika next to the Russian Z…
Read MoreChristian Nationalism and Dominionism
In my previous post I described the Russian Christian Nationalism that exists in Putin’s regime and the Russian Orthodox patriarchy, leading to Putin’s war to take over Ukraine, and a form of American Christian Nationalism called Dominionism. This post will, I hope, help to clarify these two terms. Christ Nationalism has been evident throughout the…
Read MoreUnholy Christian Alliances
The golden spires of the Church of Our Savior, one of the cherished Russian churches demolished by the Soviets, once again has risen proudly above the Moscow skyline. On my peacemaking trip to the Russian Republic in 1989 I visited a 1000-year memorial to the birth of the Russian Orthodox Church celebrated the year before.…
Read MoreUkraine and Russia Then and Now
On the cover of my book, Memories and Miracles, I’m seated on a wall in Kyiv, Ukraine when our 1991 group from Creating A Sober World was in that city to plant a family member 12-Step group. We had just come from Moldova where people were bartering for food as they tried to break away…
Read MoreInsights from an Introvert
Have you ever asked the question, who am I and what does my life matter? I’m attempting to answer these questions in my new book. Here’s a teaser: “Throughout my life I felt that I had only a one-way view of life around me, a camera peering through my lenses, taking in everything around me.…
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